Seit 2005


Aktualisierte OECD-Guidelines zum Datenaustausch über Nanomaterialien

Eine aktualisierte Version der bereits bestehenden OECD-Guidelines zum Datenaustausch für synthetische Nanomaterialien liegt vor. Der aktualisierte Leitfaden enthält nun eine eine Vorlage-Formular und liefert auch bereits einige Beispiele.

An updated version of the OECD guidance document series on manufactured nanomaterials has been published.

  • No. 14, Guidance Manual for the Testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials: OECD Sponsorship Programme (2009)

is replaced with

  • No. 25, Guidance Manual for the Testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials: OECD Sponsorship Programme (2010).

The OECD Sponsorship Programme of Testing a Representative Set of Manufactured Nanomaterials intends to develop dossiers on selected Nanomaterials. Switzerland is taking a role in the assessment of the nanomaterial cerium oxide within the OECD sponsorship programme.

The updated guidance manual document now contains a Data Sharing Template Format. The template is intended to provide guidance on the sharing of data among the OECD sponsoring programme partners. The Data Sharing Template was finalised at the 6th meeting in October 2009 and it was agreed to its inclusion to this document as an annex (Annex III).

The intention behind a standardised data sharing approach is to ensure that all relevant information is captured and that it is made easier for the reader to go through the information, to allow easy extraction of the information as well as comparison among different nanomaterials.

The updated document also provides a list of tests to be performed and data to be reported in order to adequately characterise the individual nanomaterials. Furthermore, the document provides some draft templates. The templates give an excellent impression how comprehensive such intercomparable and sound data sets should be in order to serve their purpose (pages 75 ff).

It is important to note that this Guidance Manual for the Testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials will continue to be updated and amended in an iterative manner based upon the accumulation of knowledge, as well as evolving communication and coordination needs as the testing programme and the development of DDPs moves forward.