Seit 2005


Australische "National Enabling Technologies Strategy" für eine verantwortungsvolle Entwicklung von Nanotechnologien

Die Australische Regierung lanciert eine umfangreiche nationale Initiative und will damit eine sichere und verantwortungsvolle Entwicklung von neuen Technologien wie Nano- und Biotechnologien fördern. Die National Enabling Technologies Strategy umfasst $38.2 Mio. über vier Jahre.

The Strategy, with funding of $38.2 million over four years, provides a framework to support the responsible development of enabling technologies. Its aim is to improve the management and regulation of biotechnology and nanotechnology in order to maximise community confidence and community benefits from the use of new technology. It will ensure Australia can benefit from enabling technologies while ensuring processes are in place to identify, monitor and mitigate any associated risks.

The Strategy will build on the work of the National Biotechnology Strategy (2000 to 2008) and the National Nanotechnology Strategy (2007 to 2009), in particular, the Australian Government’s Objectives for the Responsible Management of Nanotechnology.

Issues related to the development of enabling technologies straddle jurisdictional and portfolio boundaries, requiring national coordination. The Strategy provides a central point for policy coordination and community engagement, as well as providing a range of specific measures designed to facilitate the development and uptake of these technologies. This includes addressing the need for information on a range of different levels:

  • providing industry and the community with balanced and factual information,
  • undertaking activities that contribute to social inclusion in the development and benefi ts of enabling technologies,
  • supporting the metrology necessary to underpin effective regulation,
  • and ensuring regulation supports the responsible and safe use of innovative services and products.

The Strategy has the following themes and objectives:

  1. A national approach – the Strategy will work with Federal, State and Territory governments and agencies and a wide range of stakeholders, to encourage collaborative efforts and joint activities consistent with the aims of the Strategy.
  2. Balancing risk and reward – the Strategy will support the appropriate coverage of enabling technologies in policy and regulatory frameworks, and support Government agencies to ensure that Government policy is informed by an understanding of health, safety, environmental, social and economic considerations.
  3. Developing measurement capabilities – the National Measurement Institute (NMI) will develop measurement infrastructure, expertise and standards for nanotechnology and biotechnology (nanometrology and biometrology).
  4. Engaging with the public – the Strategy will increase public understanding of enabling technologies and issues surrounding them. It will also increase understanding of public concerns and aspirations about enabling technologies by technology developers and those responsible for policy formulation.
  5. Using technology for a better future – the Strategy will increase government, industry and the community’s understanding of the ways in which applications of enabling technologies may help to address major global and national challenges and increase industry productivity, and will encourage the responsible development and uptake of these technologies.
  6. Planning for the Future – The Strategy will assist government, researchers, industry and other stakeholders to prepare for the advent of new technologies by undertaking foresighting activities and supporting the development of policy and regulatory frameworks.