Seit 2005


'Good Governance' für Nanotechnologien: FramingNano Schlussbericht veröffentlicht

Nach zwei Jahren Projektlaufzeit wurde die FramingNano Governance-Plattform als Ergebnis des gleichnamigen FP7-Forschungsprojektes veröffentlicht. Die Plattform beschreibt einen heuristischen Prozess, wie aktuelle und zukünftige Herausforderungen in der Governance von Nanotechnologien identifiziert, bewertet und für die Entscheidungsfindung zugänglich gemacht werden können.

From the FramingNano project research it has been concluded that governance and regulation of nanotechnologies must be considered a dynamic affair which needs to be continuously adapted. This implies a continuous observation of the state-of-the-art knowledge on nanotechnology-induced change. Also, the relevant stakeholders and the interested public have to be meaningfully included in the definition of commonly accepted principles, criteria and values to be used for the assessment of these changes.

FramingNano identified and substantiated principles and procedures which are regarded essential to establish and maintain a responsible and sustainable development of nanotechnologies over the long term. These findings, cumulated in the Governance Platform, are now proposed to be implemented into the decision making processes of nanotechnology governance at the European level and beyond.

In order to identify procedures of how to implement the proposed Platform in Europe and beyond, the concept of the FramingNano Governance Platform is currently presented and discussed in a series of national workshops in the UK, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. After this series of national events, the Governance Platform will be handed over to the European Commission as the final deliverable of the FramingNano project.

The Innovation Society, St.Gallen, is the Swiss Partner in the FramingNano Project Consortium and in charge of organising the national event in Switzerland which will take place on the 18th of March 2010 in the Stade de Suisse in Bern. All interested stakeholders are invited to take part at this event where the Platform will be presented in detail, and where aspects of implementation will be discussed with the relevant national and international stakeholders.

The project website of FramingNano will be continued: