Seit 2005


Laufende Aktivitäten zu Sicherheit und Risiken von Nanomaterialien - OECD Tour de Table Bericht

Aus der Serie "Current Developments/Activities on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials" der OECD ist ein weiterer Ableger erschienen. Der aktuelle Bericht rapportiert laufende und geplante Aktivitäten mit Bezug zur Sicherheit von synthetischen Nanomaterialien in OECD-Mitgliedstaaten und Nicht-Mitgliedländern, welche am 7. Treffen der OECD Arbeitsgruppe für synthetische Nanomaterialien (WPMN) am 7.-9. Juli 2010 in Paris teilgenommen hatten.

In each meeting of the Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN), the delegations have an opportunity to provide their developments on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials, so called “Tour de Table.” An earlier version of this document was originally provided to the 6th meeting held 28-30 October 2009 in Paris, France. This document compiles information provided by member countries and other delegations on current developments on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials (section I) in their countries or organisations. There are also written reports on current activities related to nanotechnologies/nanomaterials in other International Organisations including the International Organisation for Standardisation, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the World Health Organisation (section II).

This is intended to provide delegations and other stakeholders with a “snapshot” of information on activities related to manufactured nanomaterials, as well as other activities on nanotechnologies, at the national and international level. This “snapshot” was current at the time of the 7th meeting of the WPMN (July 2010).

Source: OECD