Seit 2005


Literatur-Review zur Belastung durch Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz

Die Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz hat eine Literaturanalyse zum Thema der Exposition durch Nanopartikel am Arbeitsplatz publiziert. Darin werden die aktuellsten Literaturstellen über Nanopartikel zusammengefasst und ein Fokus auf mögliche negative Gesundheitseffekte bei Arbeitsplatzexpositionen gelegt. Der Bericht beschreibt ebenso den rechtlichen Rahmen und verschiedene Aktivitäten, welche im Hinblick auf diese sich abzeichnenden Risiken ergriffen wurden.

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has published a series of expert forecasts providing an overview of the potential emerging risks in the world of work (physical, biological, psychosocial and chemical risks). Among the top ten emerging risks, three have in common their physico-chemical state as insoluble particles or fibres: nanoparticles and ultrafine particles, diesel exhaust, and man-made mineral fibres. The experts agreed that nanoparticles and ultrafine particles pose the strongest emerging risk.

In order to provide a broad overview, information from different sources such as scientific literature, policy documents, legislation and work programs were collected. Documents from the EU were given priority, although national and international activities have also been described. Studies published up to November 2008 have been considered in the report.

In line with many previous publications, the report also summarises that the current principles of risk assessment seem to be in general appropriate. However, the validation of in vitro methods and the development of a testing strategy remain future tasks. Classification and labelling as well as occupational exposure limits, which are derived from toxicological data, are appropriate instruments for management of risks resulting from exposure to nanomaterials, but critically depend on the availability of studies on toxicity.

As the conclusion of this review of the most recent publications, the following topics are identified as priorities for future actions and activities:

  • identification of nanomaterials and description of exposure
  • measurement of exposures to nanomaterials and efficacy of protective measures
  • risk assessment of nanomaterials in line with the current statutory framework
  • in vivo studies for assessment of the health effects of nanomaterials
  • validation of the in vitro methods and methods of physico-chemical properties as methods to determine health effects
  • training of workers and practical handling guidelines for activities involving nanomaterials in the workplace.

Download (pdf, 1.5 MB)  the full report from the webpage of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.