Seit 2005


SCENIHR liefert Stellungnahme zur Definitionsfrage von Nanomaterialien

Die Entwicklung von Richtlinien für Nanomaterialien ist dringend auf eine anerkannte Arbeitsdefinition des Begriffs "Nanomaterialien" angewiesen. SCENIHR wurde daher beauftragt, eine wissenschaftliche Stellungnahme mit Ratschlägen zu den nötigen Elementen einer wissenschaftlich fundierten Arbeitsdefinition für Nanomaterialien zu liefern.

The services of the European Commission urgently need to elaborate a working definition of the term “nanomaterials” to ensure the consistency of forthcoming regulatory developments to guide, as appropriate, the effective implementation of existing regulation, and to contribute to international work and dialogue on nanotechnology definitions.

In order to prepare a science-based definition of nanomaterials, the services of the European Commission need clarification on the size ranges and other relevant characteristics and corresponding metrics reported in the scientific literature, the types of physical and chemical properties particular to nanomaterials, the relevant thresholds, as well as the most appropriate metrics to express such thresholds.

The advice on the essential elements of a science-based working definition of nanomaterials will include appropriate metrics to define materials at the nanoscale, taking into account:

  • (i) Reported size ranges and other relevant characteristics and corresponding metrics: The size ranges and other relevant characteristics (e.g., specific surface area, shape, density, spatial arrangements, aggregation, agglomeration, etc.) and corresponding metrics of materials reported as “nanomaterials” in the scientific literature;
  • (ii) Characteristics: A first indication of possible characteristics and associated mechanisms that alone or in various combinations may lead to different properties;
  • (iii) Physico-chemical properties: The physical and chemical properties that materials may show as a result of being at nanoscale or having a nanoscale structure;
  • (iv) Threshold(s): The threshold(s) at which properties identified in (iii) above may be expected to occur (the threshold(s) may be “below” or “above” depending on the relevant characteristic(s) and associated metric(s)).

SCENIHR is expected to provide the requested opinion in an accelerated procedure until May 2010 in co-operation with other Scientific Committees of the European Community and, as appropriate, with external experts.

Source: SCENIHR (Scientific Committee on Newly Identified Health Risks)