Seit 2005


Schweizer Polizei vereitelt Anschlag auf IBM Nano-Forschungslabor

Militante Ökoterroristen scheinen laut Medienberichten einen Anschlag auf das IBM Nanotechnologie-Forschungslabor in Rüschlikon, ZH, geplant zu haben. Die Schweizer Polizei hat den Anschlag vereitelt und drei Personen festgenommen, die im Verdacht stehen, den Bombenanschlag geplant zu haben.

Two Italians and a Swiss national have been arrested in Switzerland by police who suspected them of planning to bomb an IBM nanotechnology facility near Zurich. The arrests occurred on April 15 near Rueschlikon.

IBM is planning to build a nanotechnology research facility in that town, which is about six miles south of Zurich.

Jeannette Balmer, a spokeswoman for the Swiss Federal Prosecutors Office, said police discovered "explosive and further items in their car," as well as a note "indicating a planned attack on the branch of an international company." Those arrested remain in detention.

According to, the activists belong the an Italian ecoterrorist group called Il Silvestre. Many facts are reported to point to the fact that these activists have planned to blow up the yet to be finished nanotech laboratory of IBM in Rüschlikon.
