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News (Innovation Society)

21.11.2018 News (Innovation Society)

Biologically degradable plastic

A research project has produced a possible alternative for common... More

19.10.2018 News (Innovation Society)

Tons of microplastic from tire abrasion

While all the talk is about plastic waste in the oceans, what about microplastic in soil, open waters and air? The Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental,... More

17.10.2018 News (Innovation Society)

NIOSH Meeting on Silver Nanomaterials Draft Document

Studies in animals have shown adverse lung and liver effects associated with exposure to silver nanoparticles, and based on an assessment of the data, NIOSH... More

17.10.2018 Nanotechnology

ECHA literature study on uses and risks of nanomaterials as pigments

For most nanopigments, not enough data is available to assess the risks and therefore, no conclusions on safety can be drawn at this point in... More

27.08.2018 Nanotechnology

Everyday nano – newly released brochure

The German ministry for education and research (BMBF) has released a brochure on nanomaterials in everyday life. Different applications are explained but the focus lies... More

24.08.2018 Nanotechnology

Nano-sunscreen pollutes the sea

A recent study conducted at beaches in Southern France suggests that significant amounts of nano-Titanium dioxide (TiO2) are released into the sea. This nanomaterial can... More

08.08.2018 Nanotechnology

Do you worry about nano-sunscreen?

Protecting your skin from the sun is the most effective way to reduce your risk of getting skin cancer. Yet for a few years now,... More

14.06.2018 News (Innovation Society)

Exploring the gecko and other phenomena – Syngenta supports “SimplyNano 2” project for Aargau schools

This week, a nano training course for teachers took place in the R&D center of Syngenta in Stein. Syngenta is a financial supporter of the... More