News (Innovation Society)
"SimplyNano 2" now available in German and English
The new „SimplyNano 2“ experimental kit for schools is now available in German and... More
Foundation sponsors 60 Nano-experimental kits for schools in eastern Switzerland
The new “SimplyNano 2” nano-experimental kit will be available from this year on also in secondary and upper-secondary schools in the cantons of Appenzell, St.... More
Nanorama-Versions now available for tablets and smartphones
The DGUV Nano-Portal contains aside from exhaustive information material also interactive 360°-Nanoramas, which depict standards for a safe work environment with nanomaterials in different job... More
11th International Nano- Authorities-Dialogue
The 11th International Nano-Authorities-Dialogue (NAD) took place on the 29th March 2017, at the invitation of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and... More
The DGUV Nano-Portal: Now available in English!
The Nano-Portal “Safe Handling of Nanomaterials” of the DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) is available in English since January 2017. The platform is an encompassing... More
Three-days seminar and one-day workshop about the safe handling of nanomaterials
For the second time, the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and the Innovation Society offer a seminar (5.-7.4.2017) as well as a workshop (9.3.2017) about... More
"SimplyNano" at the chemistry teacher congress in Düsseldorf
At the invitation of the VCI (German Chemical Industry Association), the Innovation Society, St. Gallen, presented the two nanotechnology experimenting kits "SimplyNano 1®" and "SimplyNano... More
Online survey about the DGUV nano portal
The DGUV nano portal imparts basics on nanotechnology and nanomaterials and contains five nanoramas which illustrate the safe handling with nanomaterials. Currently, the Institute of... More