Seit 2005


Health risks from microplastic not fully assessed yet

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has issued a statement, saying that they do not consider it possible to conduct a complete risk assessment on the uptake of microplastic from food. This follows a report of Austrian scientists that they detected microplastic in human stool samples.

“The uptake of microplastic via the gastrointestinal tract and the subsequent detection in stool samples is to be expected, since for instance tooth paste which contains microplastic can be swallowed or because food items can be contaminated with such particles”, the BfR told the German press agency. Consequently, the institute is not surprised by the Austrian team’s findings.

The BfR deems it improbable that microplastic in peelings or body wash poses a risk to health. Absorption of particles of this size is not to be expected for healthy, intact skin. The particles can however enter into wastewater streams and microplastic cannot be entirely retained by wastewater treatments.

Prior to this statement, Austrian scientists had detected microplastic in stool samples of humans, according to the researchers themselves.  The Medical University of Vienna and Environment Agency Austria informed that the plastic particles had been found in all eight participants of this pilot study. The subjects had consumed products wrapped in plastics or drinks from PET-bottles in day prior to the sampling. The majority also consumed fish or seafood, while no one was a strict vegetarian.

In a survey published in August by the BfR, it was revealed, that more than half of the polled are concerned about microplastic being present in their food. “The BfR is currently conducting several studies on the uptake of microplastic particles via the gut and the possible heath effects”, says Andreas Hensel, president of BfR.

Source (German):