Seit 2005


Insurances Underestimate Nano Risks

The reinsurance company Gen Re recently published an analysis and evaluation of the potential implications for the insurance of nanomaterials. The study concludes that the emergence of nanotechnology might entail one of the most important and most neglected risks for the insurance industry. It is advised that insurers cope with that topic and take adequate measures.

The article gives an overview of the different hazards and expositions of nanomaterials with an emphasis on occupational health. Especially the danger of CNTs is focused and - among insurances - compared to the danger of asbestos. An international survey among nanotechnology enterprises unveils serious shortcomings when it comes to nano specific precaution measures.

Due to a lack in data about nanomaterials, especially in the work environment, insurances are sceptical towards the further development. In the USA the interpretation of jurisdiction could lead to remote damages caused by the exposition to nanoparticles at the work place. Insurances are advised to adjust their policies with regard to possible nanomaterial danger and ask producer of nanomaterials for relevant information.

The complete publication can also be downloaded here (pdf, 375 KB).
Source: Gen Re;

Further articles related to the insurability of nanotechnology: Versicherungswirtschaft 09/2010 (in German) and 02/2010 (in German); Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) 10/2010 (in German)