Seit 2005


Literature Review on Nanomaterials Health-Effects

NICNAS, the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme of the Australian Government regulator of industrial chemicals, commissioned a review and analysis available literature on toxcological and health-effects relating to six nanomaterials from 2007-2009, chosen as they were considered to already be in, or close to, commercial use in Australia.

The aim of this review was to identify any available scientific evidence of important toxicological/health effects that had not been covered by the scope of previous reviews and therefore supplement currently available scientific information on these substances.

Scope of the review

The consultant was asked to draw out knowledge of toxicological/health information of: fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and nanoforms of zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, cerium oxide and silver. To build technical knowledge and avoid unnecessary duplication specific 'data gaps', not covered in previous reviews, were identified and addressed in the consultancy (depending on the availability of published papers).

In addition, any other toxicity/health related information on the six nanomaterials that were not captured in the previous reviews was also expected to be included in the report.

Conduct of the review

This consultancy was carried out in three phases, a comprehensive literature search to collect articles available on each data gap identified by NICNAS1, analysis of the literature on findings in relation to data gaps and compilation of the report based on these findings.

Use of the review

This review will be one source of information used by NICNAS in determining the risks posed by the use of these substances in Australia. NICNAS continues to monitor and keep up to date on scientific research papers on these nanomaterials as they are published, work that will provide the basis for future risk assessments on these materials, as new information arises, contributing to the key NICNAS strategic direction in relation to industrial nanomaterials - to protect human health and the environment through appropriate regulation.

Source: Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing

Download the "Review of 2007–09 literature on toxicological and health-effects relating to six nanomaterials (pdf, 414 KB)