Seit 2005


Nano experiments for schools in Central Switzerland (Video)

All secondary schools in Zug are now receiving the “SimplyNano 2” experiment kits. Nano experiments are designed to get young people interested in science and technology. The project for the canton of Zug started with a teacher training course at Roche Diagnostics International AG in Rotkreuz.

Nano experiments with “WOW effect

Nanotechnology is the science of the very small. Due to their special properties, nanomaterials are found in many technical materials, but also in many everyday products such as textiles, cosmetics, paints and medicine. With the SimplyNano learning media, amazing and safe nano experiments can now be carried out at Zug secondary schools. Among other things, learners discover how baby diapers with “superabsorbers” absorb extremely large amounts of liquid, why geckos with nano-structures on their feet can climb up walls or how the “memory effect” works with metals, e.g. in braces. All experiments show the fascinating world of the smallest particles. At the same time, they present concrete applications in everyday products. The case contains materials for 41 experiments and a learning workshop for interdisciplinary use in science and technology lessons.

Teachers experiment at the Roche Vocational Training Center

The SimplyNano project in Zug was launched on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 with an introductory course for teachers. The half-day course took place at Roche Diagnostics International AG in Rotkreuz. Roche supports the SimplyNano project as a partner. Site manager Andreas Klopp began by briefly introducing the company. Markus Kälin, Head of Vocational Training, gave the teachers an insight into the various apprenticeships offered by Roche Diagnostics International AG . Andreas Klopp: «Durch unsere Unterstützung des Projekts SimplyNano, leisten wir einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Förderung des Fachkräftenachwuchses in der Zentralschweiz. Als innovatives Unternehmen setzen wir uns dafür ein, die Neugier und Leidenschaft für technische Berufe bei jungen Menschen zu wecken.» The course was held in the modern facilities of the Roche Vocational Training Center in Rotkreuz and met with great interest. The teachers greatly appreciated the exchange with those responsible for vocational training. The SimplyNano project has set itself the goal of networking between schools and business. The aim is to make an active contribution to combating the shortage of skilled workers in technical professions. In the main part of the course, the 23 teachers had the opportunity to carry out the nano experiments themselves and test the learning media.

SimplyNano in other central Swiss cantons

The course was the third of a total of ten courses in Central Switzerland. Further introductory courses are planned in the cantons of Lucerne, Obwalden and Nidwalden. In total, more than 1000 experiment kits are available for schools in Central Switzerland. The participating schools will each receive a class set of 8-12 cases and learning materials. Thanks to the broad support of over 40 partners, all learning media and further education courses can be offered free of charge. The Zug cantonal government is supporting the project with a contribution from the lottery fund.

Image and video source: Roche
Text source: Innovation Society