Seit 2005


Nanotechnology Debate Made Impossible by Protest Group

Some activist groups in France seem to have decided to interfere a series of dialogue events oragnised by the French Special Commission for the Public Debate on Nanotechnology by shouting and clapping. According to their opinion, the nanoworld is the new danger that has to be opposed now. Whether this phenomenon remains limited to France or gains further impetus remains unclear.

"Good evening, everybody." That's all Jean Bergougnoux, chair of the panel in charge of France's national debate on nanotechnology, got to say at a meeting in Lyon.

Immediately after his opening words, some 100 people started clapping, shouting, whistling, and unfurling banners, despite Bergougnoux's protests that the protesters were "antidemocratic." A chaotic hour later, the event was canceled. The same thing had happened at a similar debate in Grenoble in December; at another one in Rennes last week, the audience was forced to leave and the discussion was webcast.

France's Special Commission for the Public Debate on Nanotechnology is organizing a 4-month discussion in 17 cities to inform the public about advances and dilemmas in nanotechnology and to give citizens a chance to express their opinion. But environmentalists dispute the legitimacy of the discussions, which they say are one-sided and a whitewash, and have decided to disrupt them wherever they can.

The commission has five more debates scheduled through 23 February, the next one in Marseille on Tuesday.

Further information of the motivation of these groups can be found e.g. at (french only, unfortunately)

Source: Adapted from Martin Enserink (ScienceInsider)