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22.01.2020 Nanotechnology

Tiny medicines in the environment

Nanomedicine is progressing rapidly. However, the tiny nanoparticles that are being researched as carriers for drugs could in future find their way into water, soil... More

22.01.2020 Nanotechnology

This filter made of graphene can turn salt water to drinking water

A sieve from England causes a sensation: It uses a graphene oxide membrane to convert salt into drinking water. Without much effort. With a little... More

14.01.2020 Nanotechnology

Study finds salt nanoparticles are toxic to cancer cells

A new study at the University of Georgia has found a way to attack cancer cells that is potentially less harmful to the patient. Sodium... More

14.01.2020 Nanotechnology

New bandage material aids blood-clotting and doesn’t stick

Researchers at ETH Zurich and the National University of Singapore have developed a novel wound dressing that has a haemostatic effect and does not stick... More

14.01.2020 Nanotechnology

Nanomedicine fast outpacing regulatory framework development – new JRC report

The JRC has published a detailed report into the slow development of regulatory framework around nanomedicines, highlighting a common challenge in all emerging technologies, that... More

11.12.2019 Nanotechnology

Occupational dust exposure

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has published three web documentaries on the topic of "Workplaces of the Future" as part of... More

11.12.2019 News (Innovation Society)

Shortage of skilled workers in technical professions further exacerbated

Since the first installment of the Swiss Skills Shortage Index in 2016, this measure has trended in the same direction: upwards. Engineering and technical occupations... More

10.12.2019 News (Innovation Society)

Anyone can identify plants – with the “Flora incognita” app

The German ministry of the environment is funding the use of artificial intelligence for plant identification with 2.38 million... More