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05.11.2019 Nanotechnology

New process could make glass less likely to break

If you’ve ever dropped your smartphone on a concrete floor, you know that dreaded feeling as you turn it over to see how badly the... More

05.11.2019 Open Innovation

Alternative plastics from waste material

An amount of 450 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year. To keep control of our plastic situation, scientists are researching alternatives to... More

05.11.2019 Nanotechnology

Get ready for new REACH requirements for nanomaterials

By 1 January 2020, companies must provide more information on nanomaterials on the EU market under the REACH regulation. ECHA encourages potential registrants to familiarize... More

25.10.2019 News (Innovation Society)

Self-adhesive poster made of "gecko textile”

The SimplyNano researcher’s circle is now available as a self-adhesive poster ("Gecko... More

03.10.2019 Nanotechnology

From greenhouse gas to (super-)nanomaterial

Carbon dioxide is commonly known as a greenhouse gas and its effect on climate change. Less known is the fact that this gas can also... More

03.10.2019 Nanotechnology

Complex molecules on surfaces – best master’s thesis in nanoscience

At the Swiss Nanoscience Institute’s first graduation ceremony, Sebastian Scherb was honored for his work on a novel method to attach complex single molecules on... More

03.10.2019 Nanotechnology

Study finds EU regulatory framework ready for the next generation of nanomaterials

A study commissioned by the EU nanomaterials observatory has found that the current EU framework for characterizing and identifying “next generation” nanomaterials is able to... More

03.10.2019 Open Innovation

Cigarette filters that dissolve themselves – completely

Cigarette filters are the product which is most often improperly disposed, by just throwing it away in the open instead of the ashtray. As a... More