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18.01.2019 Nanotechnology

Lotus leaf inspires scientists to create world’s first antibacterial metal

Using inspiration from nature, a team of European researchers have harnessed new photonics technology to develop the first fluid-repellent, antibacterial, metal surface taking us a... More

07.01.2019 News (Innovation Society)

„Nano 2.0“ – Risk management for emerging materials

In the last edition of VersicherungsPraxis, the journal of the general association of policyholders (GVNW) a report of Christoph Meili on the riskmanagement principles of... More

07.01.2019 Nanotechnology

Can Nanotechnology rewire an injured spinal cord?

The ByAxon project is developing a new implant that restores the transmission of electrical signals in an injured central nervous... More

07.01.2019 Nanotechnology

UK led team tails graphene smart clothing breakthrough

Researchers at Exeter University are leading the development of a pioneering technique that enables graphene fibres to be woven in order to create smart... More

07.01.2019 Open Innovation

A breakthrough in foldable display technology

Folded electronic charts, portable devices and transportable training simulators may become available following advances in flexible... More

26.11.2018 News (Innovation Society)

Fighting against skill shortage with diapers

Schools in Aargau are pioneering with a pilot project: 1000 secondary school classes are experimenting in nanotechnology - with diapers among other things. The... More

22.11.2018 News (Innovation Society)

"SimplyNano 2®" experimental kits are now available in French

All teaching materials of the "SimplyNano 2®" experimental kit are now also available in... More

21.11.2018 Nanotechnology

Graphene encounters bump in the road

A study in Advanced Materials applied a newly developed protocol to test the quality of graphene. It was put to use to test worldwide graphene... More