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13.04.2011 Nanotechnology

Safety of Nanosilver in Consumer Products: Many Questions Remain

In its opinion on toxicity aspects of nano silver, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) had recommended to waive the use of nano silver... More

11.04.2011 Nanotechnology

NanoCode Synthesis Report of Stakeholder Survey on EU Code of Conduct

The NanoCode Synthesis Report on its Stakeholder CoC Survey provides the findings of the international, quantitative and qualitative NanoCode survey about the European Code of... More

07.04.2011 Nanotechnology

NZZ Reporting about Swiss Nano-Cube

Nanotechnologies are linked to many hopes, but also concerns. Swiss Nano-Cube (www.swissnanocube), the platform for nanotechnology knowledge and education, offers information about this new... More

02.04.2011 Nanotechnology

Commission's Nano Policy Lost in Definition

The European Commission's hesitance to define nanotechnology underscores diverging opinions among stakeholders and is causing uncertainty in the sector, it emerged this week. The European... More

31.03.2011 Nanotechnology

EU Fails to Agree on Novel Food Rules - Nanotechnology Remains Unlabelled

Meat from the offspring of cloned animals could find its way onto the EU market, with no-one being any the wiser, after member state representatives... More

31.03.2011 Open Innovation

Schwarze Schwäne füttern - Risk Expert Christoph Meili's Blog on NZZvotum

From a risk perspective, Black Swans are extreme events which occur with only very small probability, but extensive impact. Black Swans are therefore often beyond... More

23.03.2011 Nanotechnology

Die Hyper-Risikogesellschaft mbH - Risk Expert Christoph Meili's Blog on NZZvotum

In a world where everything is interdependent, new forms of risk are emerging. The Global Risk Report 2010 of the WEF stated that the risks... More

17.03.2011 Open Innovation

Fürchte Dich, aber "richtig" - Risk Expert Christoph Meili's Blog on NZZvotum

Risks are forecasted on the basis of experiences in the past. But what to do if the theoretical "1-time-in-10'000-years" becomes a reality? Do we fear... More