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31.03.2010 Nanotechnology

US Insurance Company Introduces Nanotechnology Liability Coverage

Lexington Insurance Company in the US offers an insurance product that extends explicit coverage for nanotechnology exposures arising from products liabilities.... More

24.03.2010 Nanotechnology

FramingNano Governance Platform well Received by Swiss Stakeholders

At invitation of the Innovation Society, St.Gallen, on March 18th, the national FramingNano Conference took place in the Stade de Suisse in Bern. Numerous stakeholders... More

17.03.2010 Nanotechnology

Canada Tables Nanotechnology Bill to Amend the Environmental Protection Act

Canada wants to include nanotechnology in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, according to a Bill tabled last week in the House of Commons. The proposed... More

10.03.2010 Nanotechnology

Analysis of Need for Legislative Action Due in 2011 in Switzerland

After a postulate of Hansruedi Stadler (CVP) to clarify the need for legislative action concerning nanotechnologies has been adopted on March 9th during the Spring... More

10.03.2010 Nanotechnology

US FDA Lacks Oversight on Nano Food Additives

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not exercise adequate oversight over certain widely used food additives, according to a US Government Accountability Office... More

05.03.2010 Nanotechnology

SCENIHR to Provide Scientific Opinion on Definition of "Nanomaterials"

The development of the policy and regulatory activities on nanotechnologies requires the establishment of a working definition of nanomaterials as a matter of urgency. Therefore,... More

05.03.2010 Nanotechnology

How Nanosized Particles May Affect Skin Care Products

The rapidly growing field of nanotechnology and its future use in cosmetic products holds both enormous potential and potential concern for consumers. Because the skin... More

03.03.2010 Nanotechnology

'Good Governance' for Nanotechnologies: FramingNano Final Report Published

After two years of consultation, the FramingNano Governance Platform as the final outcome of the corresponding FP7 research project has been published. The Platform describes... More