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26.02.2010 Nanotechnology

Australian Researchers Find Zinc out of Zinc Oxide Sunscreens Penetrate Skin of Human Test Subjects

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) is recommending more scrutiny for products containing the pesticide nanoscale silver, a move that... More

26.02.2010 Nanotechnology

Australian Researchers Find Zinc out of Zinc Oxide Sunscreens Penetrate Skin of Human Test Subjects

Most reviews in recent times came to the conclusion that nanoparticles in sunscreens do not penetrate the outer horny layers of skin and would therefore... More

22.02.2010 Nanotechnology

US Federal Scientists Confirm: Nanoscale Sunscreen Ingredients Do not Penetrate Healthy Skin

A team of scientists from the United States Food and Drug Administration and the National Cancer Institute have found that nanoscale titanium dioxide used in... More

22.02.2010 Nanotechnology

Australian National Enabling Technologies Strategy for a Responsible Development of Nanotechnologies

The Australian Government is introducing a comprehensive national framework to guide the safe and responsible development of new technologies such as nanotechnology and biotechnology as... More

17.02.2010 Nanotechnology

Do We Face New Asbestos Risks Through Nanotechnologies? Article in "Versicherungswirtschaft"

Manufactured nanomaterials possibly carry unexpected health risks. Carbon nanotubes, for example, are under suspicion to cause a specific kind of cancer. Although there is no... More

16.02.2010 Nanotechnology

Communication Tools for Nanomaterial Products Along the Value Chain

Companies producing goods that contain nanomaterials need to find tools that will allow them to transfer information about the risk management of such materials down... More

15.02.2010 Nanotechnology

Postulate to the Swiss Federal Council: Need for Nanotech Legislation

In a postulate of December 10, 2009, the Swiss Federal Council is requested to re-assess the need for legislatory action concerning manufactured nanomaterials and their... More

05.02.2010 Open Innovation

Public Perception of Nano Risks Shifting? FramingNano Governance Platform Proposing How to Include Public Concerns

A study in the January 2010 Journal of Nanoparticle Research reports that there are indications that public perceptions of nanotechnology risks might be shifting away... More