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03.04.2009 Nanotechnology

European Parliament Wants "No Data No Market" Principle for Nanomaterials

The European Parliament's environment committee this week adopted a report by Swedish Green MEP Carl Schlyter which calls for tighter controls on nanotechnology, including the... More

02.04.2009 Nanotechnology

TEACH-NANO Course for Teachers Proves Popular

On Wednesday, 25 March 2009 the 2nd TEACH-NANO course took place at the University of Zurich-Irchel. The course mainly addressed science teachers of secondary schools.... More

26.03.2009 Nanotechnology

Nanomaterials in Foods to be Labelled in the EU

Only one day after approving the update of EU legislation on cosmetics, in a legislative report dealing with an update of the EU rules on... More

24.03.2009 Nanotechnology

European Parliament Approves Update of EU Legislation on Cosmetics Including Aspects of Nanomaterials

Parliament approved an update of EU legislation on cosmetics when it votes on a first-reading agreement thrashed out between EP and Council representatives. The basic... More

12.03.2009 Nanotechnology

Swiss Researchers Design New Model for Nanoparticle Exposure

A new model for nanoparticle exposure should provide more realistic insights into the possible health risks of airborne nanoparticles, researchers in Switzerland claim according to... More

10.03.2009 Nanotechnology

European Food Safety Authority Publishes Opinion on Nanotechnology Risks

Following the recent publication of the European Commission's independent Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) opinion on the most recent developments... More

06.03.2009 Nanotechnology

Motion Submitted Claiming Legal Regulation of Nanotechnology in Switzerland

In a motion to the Swiss Federal Council a group of politicans led by Maya Graf demand nanotechnologies to be regulated in Switzerland according to... More

05.03.2009 Nanotechnology

The Impact of Toxicity Testing Costs on Nano Regulation - Paradigm Shift in the US?

Information about the toxicity of nanoparticles is important in determining how nanoparticles will be regulated. In the U.S., the burden of collecting this information and... More