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02.06.2021 Nanotechnology

Fight tiny with tiny

Microorganisms are constantly evolving, as we know all too well today from SARS-CoV-2. Every mutation has the potential to bring new dangers to humans. This... More

02.06.2021 Nanotechnology

Titanium dioxide: E171 no longer considered safe when used as a food additive

EFSA has updated its safety assessment of the food additive titanium dioxide (E 171), following a request by the European Commission in March... More

02.06.2021 Nanotechnology

A concentrated charge against water germs

Removing pathogens from drinking water is particularly difficult when the germs are too tiny to be intercepted by conventional filters. Research teams at Empa and... More

02.06.2021 Nanotechnology

Transparent nanolayers for more solar power

Nanostructured material and a new cell design pave the way for the production of silicon solar cells with more than 26 percent... More

02.06.2021 Nanotechnology

Tiny plastic particles in the environment: Nanoplastics - an underestimated problem?

These images speak to each of us: huge whirlpools of plastic waste in the world's oceans with sometimes devastating consequences for their inhabitants - the... More

02.06.2021 News (Innovation Society)

SimplyNano 2 used in all schools of four Swiss cantons

The shortage of skilled workers in technical professions is increasing throughout Switzerland. The canton of St.Gallen is countering this - among other things with the... More

23.04.2021 Nanotechnology

Wood that generates electrical voltage

Researchers at ETH Zurich and Empa have chemically modified wood and made it more compressible, turning it into a mini-generator. When a load is applied... More

23.04.2021 Nanotechnology

Rapid and ultrasensitive identification of multi-resistant germs

Researchers at the University of Basel have developed a sensitive test system that can be used to quickly and reliably detect resistance in bacteria. The... More