Seit 2005


Schwyz as a STEM pioneer canton in Central Switzerland

The "SimplyNano 2" experimental kits on nanotechnology are a new learning medium for upper secondary schools. All secondary schools in Schwyz will receive 200 free kits this spring. The aim is to get young people interested in technical professions. Schwyz is the first canton in central Switzerland where all schools will be equipped. The project is financed by the Asuera-Foundation and the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation. Three companies support the project by hosting courses.

200 experiment kits for Schwyz upper schools

Starting this spring, 200 free "SimplyNano 2" experiment kits will be made available to all secondary schools in the Canton Schwyz for nature and technology lessons. The cases with 37 experiments on nanotechnology contain all the documents, chemicals and materials for the lessons and enable independent experimentation and exploratory learning. The schools receive their own class sets with several cases and complete documentation. The project is thus already running in ten cantons. Schwyz is the first canton in central Switzerland where all schools will be equipped. The kits are to be used in all cantons by 2025.


Nano experiments with a "WOW effect

Nanotechnology is the science of the very small. Because of their special properties, nanomaterials are found in many technical materials but also in many everyday products such as cosmetics, textiles, paints or in medicine. With the harmless and amazing experiments, the students discover, among other things, how baby nappies with "super absorbers" absorb extremely large amounts of liquid, why geckos with nano-structures on their feet can climb up walls or how the "memory effect" works with metals, e.g. in braces. The experiments show the fascinating world of the smallest particles and at the same time present concrete applications in products and materials.


Courses and company insights for teachers

Practical experiments are designed to promote enthusiasm for science and technology and to increase young people's interest in technical professions. As preparation, half-day courses are held for teachers at companies. The nano-experiments will be carried out and the companies and their apprenticeships will be presented. The courses start by the end of April and take place at Victorinox Ltd. in Schwyz, Garaventa Ltd. in Goldau and VERWO Ltd. in Reichenburg. In addition to technical knowledge, this promotes the exchange between teachers and companies and builds a concrete "bridge" to professional practice.


Support from the Asuera- and Chorafas- Foundation and local companies

The "SimplyNano 2" cases and the courses are free of charge for the schools. The project is financed by the Asuera-Foundation and the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation and supported by the companies Victorinox AG, Garaventa AG and Verwo AG as course hosts. This is an important contribution to the promotion of young technicians in the canton of Schwyz.



Box: SimplyNano project

The "SimplyNano 2" learning medium is published by the SimplyScience Foundation. It was developed by Innovationsgesellschaft, a St.Gallen based start-up. The project is running in ten cantons, making it one of the most successful Swiss technology promotion projects for schools. It won the Building Award 2021.



Partners in the Canton of Schwyz

- Asuera Foundation

- Fondation Dimitris N. Chorafas

- Garaventa AG, Goldau

- VERWO AG, Reichenburg

- Victorinox AG, Schwyz


Dr. Christoph Meili
The Innovation Company
Lerchenfeldstr. 3
CH-9014 St.Gallen

Mob: 076 326 77 97

Source: Innovation Society
Image source: Innovation Society