Seit 2005


"SimplyNano 2®" experimental kits are now available in French

All teaching materials of the "SimplyNano 2®" experimental kit are now also available in French.

"SimplyNano 2®"-Video: click here
«SimplyNano 2®»-Flyer (FR): SimplyNano 2 Dépliant

The entirety of supporting documents for the "SimplyNano 2®" experimental kit is included in each kit on the accompanying USB stick. Teaching materials contain introductory presentations, experimental instructions for both teachers and students, as well as a commentary for teachers with in-depth information on the particular topic. This entire package is now available in German, English and French. Experimental kits that are purchased as of November 2018 already contain a USB stick with teaching documents in all languages.

Have you already experimented and the kit's materials are getting scarce? Do you not have an experimental kit yet?
You can order all materials separately or in class sets for specific experiment in our webshop. You can also order both entire kits "SimplyNano 1®" and "SimplyNano 2®". "SimplyNano" is a practical, interdisciplinary teaching medium, in line with the "Lehrplan 21" intended to fascinate your students for the MINT-subjects.