Seit 2005


Swiss Nano-Cube Launches New Nanosilver Training Module

Nanosilver has antimicrobial properties and is often used in consumer products for the treatment of malodor and microorganisms as well as to extend the life period of food. If nanotechnologies and nanomaterials are discussed in school, nanosilver is a very good example for demonstrating advantages and disantvantages of new technologies. The nanosilver module focuses on teacher and schoolars from vocational and high schools. It was realised by the Innovation Society, St.Gall in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.

Nanosilver often used in consumer products

Nanosilver has antimicrobial properties and is often used in consumer products for the treatment of malodor and microorganisms (e. g. sports wear) as well as to extend the life period of food (e. g. food packaging). Nanosilver is likewise used in the medtech industry for the treatment of infections; e. g. in bandages, catheters or medical instruments.

Regarding product richness and application nanosilver is the market leader of all used nanomaterials today. Several environmental and consumer protection organisations criticize the excessive use of nanosilver in consumer products because of the possible hazards for human beeings and the environment. Thus, nanosilver may not only imply possible benefits but also certain risks.


Nanosilver as Excellent Example for Technology-oriented Teaching

Were nanotechnologies and nanomaterials discussed in school, nanosilver is a very good example for demonstrating advantages and disantvantages of new technologies. At the same time, the discussion shows that launching new technologies can be accompanied by very complex questions, which may not be answered completely and thus lead to doubt and uncertanity by consumers.


Application at Vocational and High Schools

The nanosilver module focuses on teacher and schoolars from vocational and high schools. It can be used for general educational purposes (at Vocational Schools) as well as for interdisciplinary school lessions (at High Schools).  The nanosilver module consists of two parts that contain various components each.

The nanosilver module was realised by the Innovation Society, St.Gall in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment. Currently, the module is available in German and can be downloaded at


Contact and Further Information:

The Innovation Society, St.Gall

Helmut Elbert

Telephone: +41 (0)71 274 74 17