Seit 2005


Swiss Nano-Cube: New Knowledge and Education Platform for Nanotechnologies Launched and Online

Swiss Nano-Cube is the new interactive knowledge and education platform for micro and nanotechnologies in Switzerland. Its mission among students and young professionals is to awaken interest in engineering and science. With the contents provided, Swiss Nano-Cube addresses both teachers and students of vocational schools, secondary schools and higher professional schools. The web-based learning platform is accessible at and has been developed by the Innovation Society, St.Gallen and the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) with the support of several Swiss Federal Offices and private organisations.

Nanotechnology is an enabling technology and offers huge potentials. Ultra-light materials, more efficient solar cells, “smart” textiles or new therapeutic methods to fight cancer are a few examples of promising nanotechnology applications. Today, the development of new and innovative products is increasingly often based on nanotechnologies in many industry segments. This is also challenging the educational system, but only few practice-oriented offers for teaching and learning exist and most teachers have not received any nano-specific education yet.

In order to close this gap, the Innovation Society St.Gallen and the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) have developed the Swiss Nano-Cube platform which provides materials for school lessons as well as comprehensive background information for those interested in nanotechnologies.

From the Interactive “Nano Game” to the Nobel Prize in Physics

Swiss Nano-Cube is a knowledge and education platform offering insights and contents in diverse areas of nanotechnologies. Playing the interactive Nanorama game, you can discover everyday nanoproducts. The NanoTeachBox offers didactic material for teaching and learning, video clips, presentations and much more to be used in class. With regards to the Year of Chemistry in 2011 and with the support of Metrohm Foundation, a nano chemistry module has been developed. It contains detailed instructions on how to perform illustrating nanotechnology-related experiments particularly for chemistry classes. In addition, Swiss Nano-Cube offers a broad spectrum of background information on basic mechanisms and effects in the nano world and on economic, social and technical issues of nanotechnologies, as well as practical information useful for the professional life. Furthermore, Swiss Nano-Cube offers TeachNano courses for the advanced training of teachers.

The platform will be evaluated by the end of 2011 and further developed with the help of experts from economy, science and education. In particular, new modules will be developed and further multilingual contents will be integrated (French, Italian and English).

To stay updated with further developments of the Swiss Nano-Cube platform, please subscribe to the dedicated Swiss Nano-Cube newsletter at


Knowledge and Dialogue for a Better Understanding

Swiss Nano-Cube is supported by private organisations and several Swiss Federal Offices (OPET, FOEN, FOAG). With their commitments, the Swiss public authorities follow the existing national strategy for the promotion of young talents in technical and scientific jobs and actively contribute to increase public communication on the opportunities and risks of nanotechnologies as it is mentioned in the Swiss Action Plan on Nanotechnologies. Swiss Nano-Cube as a pathbreaking educational platform thus emphasises the pioneering role of Switzerland in education and technology.