Seit 2005


Neuer Leitfaden für sicheren Umgang mit Nanomaterialien am Arbeitsplatz publiziert

Die britische Nanosafety Partnership Group (UKNSPG) hat kürzlich einen Leitfaden zum sicheren und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Nanomaterialien am Arbeitsplatz entwickelt. Damit soll Forschungseinrichtungen und Hochschulen geholfen werden, den gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen rund um Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz besser nachzukommen. Die Leitlinien sind kürzlich veröffentlich worden und stehen als Download bereit.

The UK Nanosafety Partnership Group (UKNSPG) has recently developed guidance to support safe and responsible working practices with nanomaterials in research and development laboratories. The aim of the UKNSPG's work is to provide help to research establishments and academia on how to comply with their occupational health and safety legal obligations. It gives guidance on factors relating to establishing a safe workplace and good safety practice when working with particulate nanomaterials.

It is applicable to a wide range of nanomaterials, including particles, fibres, powders, tubes and wires as well as aggregates and agglomerates, and recognises previous and current uncertainty in developing effective risk management when dealing with nanomaterials and advocates a precautionary strategy to minimise potential exposure.

Aimed at employers, managers, health and safety advisors, and users of particulate nanomaterials in research and development, this guidance should be read in conjunction with the Approved Code of Practice on COSHH, together with the other literature referred to in the document.

The document has been produced taking account of the safety information currently available and is presented in the format of guidance and recommendations to support implementation of suitable protocols and control measures by employers and employees. It is intended that the document will be reviewed and updated on a periodic basis to keep abreast of the evolving nature of the content.

Quelle: SafeNano

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