Seit 2005


4. FramingNano Newsletter veröffentlicht

Das FramingNano Projektkonsortium hat den vierten Projekt-Newsletter publiziert, welcher interessante Entwicklungen im Bereich der Governance von Nanomaterialien umfasst und zudem die Konferenz am 15. Dezember 2009 im Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel zur Präsentation und Diskussion des Governance Plan ankündigt. Der Newsletter liegt in Englisch vor.

The FramingNano Newsletter is a quarterly news service provided within the activities of the FramingNano project and diffused extensively across Europe and beyond, in order to disseminate information on the project, and on risk-benefit assessment and NS&T governance and regulation themes.


The goal of FramingNano is to craft a proposal for a 'Governance Plan/Platform' defining practicable regulatory solutions assuring that the development of nanotechnology takes place responsibly and to the benefit of the individuals and the society which is expected to emerge from the project towards the end of 2009.

In order to discuss the upcoming FramingNano Governance Plan, there will be an International Conference on December 15th, 2009, in Brussels, Belgium:

International Conference: “A New Governance Framework for Nanotechnologies”
This key Conference will provide all interested stakeholders with the opportunity to learn first-hand about the draft nanotechnology governance plan proposed by the FramingNano FP7 Project and to influence its finalization and publication. A must-attend for all interested in nanotechnology governance.