Seit 2005


Australier wollen Sicherheitstests und Labeling für Nanomaterialien in Lebensmitteln und Verpackungen

Eine Umfrage unter 1010 Australierinnen und Australiern hat ergeben, dass zusätzliche Risikoabwägungen nötig sind und die Transparenz in der Kennzeichnung von Nanomaterialien in Lebensmitteln und Verpackungen erhöht werden soll. 96% der Befragten verlangen Sicherheitstests für Lebensmittelzusätze und Inhalte aus synthetischen Nanomaterialien und 92% unterstützen eine zwingende Kennzeichnung. Lediglich 15% gaben an, dass sie Nano-Food kaufen würden, während ein grosser Teil jedoch noch unsicher war. Artikel in Englisch.

The poll, which was commissioned by Friends of the Earth Australia (FoEA) and carried out by Essential Research, showed that 96 per cent of Australians agree that food companies must conduct safety testing on food or food packaging ingredients that contain synthetic nanoparticles.

Ninety two per cent of Australians also believe food companies should label food and food packaging that contain nanoparticles so customers can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to eat nanofoods or buy food in nano packaging. Only 15 per cent of Australians said they would purchase foods containing manufactured nanoparticles, while 40 per cent said they would not purchase them. However, 43 per cent indicated that they don't know yet.

FoE Australia is concerned that nanoparticles are already used in foods and food packaging without first being tested for safety risks. For example, internationally, nanoparticles can already be found in dairy products, soft drinks, processed foods and health supplements.

Earlier this year, FoE issued a report on the topic of nanomaterials in food and agriculture, where potential toxic effects are highlighted and a moratorium on nanotechnologies in food and agriculture is called for.

FoE Australia repeats its call that potentially hazardous nanofoods and nanoproducts in Australia not be sold until the knowledge gaps are filled, new laws are introduced to ensure their safety and all nanoproducts are labelled so people know what they are buying.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has recently proposed new food safety laws whereby food companies will have to inform them if their products contain nanoparticles. Public feedback on these new standards needs to be submitted by 6pm, Wednesday 29 Oct 2008.

Adapted from: Friends of the Earth Australia