Seit 2005


Europäische Konsumentenorganisationen stellen 2010 Verdreifachung der Nanoprodukte fest

“Nano whitening”, “setzt die neusten nanotechnologischen Inhaltsstoffe ein”, “verwendet Nanosilber-Technologie zum Schutz der Babyhaut”... Produkte, die angeblich Nanomaterialien enthalten, sind bereits breit verfügbar auf dem Europäischen Markt, und diese Slogans sind lediglich Beispiele, wie sie in Shops oder online gefunden werden können. Im Jahr 2009 begannen BEUC und ANEC die Verfügbarkeit solcher Produkte und deren Entwicklung zu beobachten. Während das Inventar 2009 noch 151 Produkte enthielt, waren es 2010 bereits 475.

According to a press release by the consumer organisations ANEC and BEUC, they selected product categories representing those most often consumed in everyday life such as child products, food & drink, cosmetics, products for cars and electronic devices. Worryingly, some nano-claims relating to a specific product can be found in an online shop, but not on the website of the brand itself.

“In the absence of independent safety assessment, and given the unconfirmed nature of the claims, we believe action needs to be taken urgently”, commented Stephen Russell, ANEC Secretary-General. “Legislation relevant to nanotechnologies must be adapted to safeguard consumer health and safety. Public awareness must be raised through the creation of a public inventory where it would be mandatory for manufacturers to register products on the European market claiming to contain nanomaterials. We also want to see a legal requirement introduced for the labelling of some nano-products.”

Monique Goyens, BEUC Director-General, added: “Our inventory shows that hundreds of products are on sale today to European consumers without assessment of their claims or the risks these nanomaterials may pose to public health. This game of health and safety roulette must end. That is why we support the Belgian Presidency’s initiative on mandatory traceability of nanomaterials and presented our inventory to the European Commissioner for Health & Consumer Policy, John Dalli”.

Source: Press Release (ANEC/BEUC)

ANEC is the European Consumer Voice in Standardisation, and BEUC is the European Consumers' Organisation.