Seit 2005


Int. NanoCode-Konferenz, 29. September 2011, Brüssel

Die internationale Konferenz des FP7-Projekts NanoCode findet am 29. September 2011 in Brüssel (Hotel Silken Berlaymont) statt. Die Veranstaltung bietet interessierten Akteuren eine erstklassige Gelegenheit, um den Output des NanoCode-Projekts und die weitere Entwicklung des Code of Conducts und seine geplante Revision durch die Europäische Kommission aktiv mitzugestalten. Ebenfalls bietet die Veranstaltung Einblicke in die Bestrebungen, auf internationaler Ebene einen Rahmen für verantwortungsvolle Innovation zu schaffen.

Nanocode International Conference
Thursday, September 29th 2011, Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Brussels

The FP7 Nanocode Project has facilitated a broad stakeholder dialogue in Member States and other selected countries aimed at identifying perspective and attitudes, opportunities and limits of the European Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Research (the Code), considered key to support responsible innovation.

The Conference will give interested parties a first-hand opportunity to shape the definitive version of the Master Plan and CodeMeter, the tools developed for the further implementation of the Code, and influence the revision of the Code by the European Commission (EC).

It will also provide insight on practices and policies at international level to figure out a global framework for responsible innovation.

This event is taking place with the active participation of EC representatives, in the context of major reflections regarding the choice of new instruments for delivering the commitments taken in the Innovation Union communication from the EC (notably the setting up for 2014 of the European Research Area) and for tackling the societal challenges indicated in the Europe 2020.

Conference themes

The whys of the Code, making it work

  • The strategic role of the Code: strengths and weaknesses
  • The project MasterPlan for the further implementation of the Code
  • The Code Meter: a practical tool to measure performances against the Code’s principles

Extending the boundaries of the Code?

  • European and International approach to responsible innovation
  • Implement the Code beyond research and to emerging technologies in general

Who should attend:

public and private researchers, Member States representatives and policy makers, industry, business associations, NGOs and those interested in the responsible innovation of emerging technologies.