Seit 2005


Nanopartikel verhindern Biofilm auf Kathetern

In neuen Arbeiten haben Forscher gezeigt, dass Stickstoffoxid freisetzende Nanopartikel die Adhäsion von Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) stören und die Biofilmbildung auf zentralen Venenkathetern (ZVK) in Ratten verhindern. Intravenöse Katheter, insbesondere zentralvenöse Katheter, werden ausgiebig in der Betreuung von Patienten eingesetzt. Leider gibt es in den Vereinigten Staaten mehr als 250.000 ZVK-Infektionen jährlich. Nach Angaben des U.S. Center for Disease Control, sind es zwischen 12 - 25% der Patienten, die an katheterbedingten Blutkreislauf Infektion sterben. Dazu kommen viele verlängerte Krankenhausaufenthalte, und folglich erhöhte Kosten der Behandlung.

S. aureus is frequently isolated in the setting of infections of CVCs and this bacterium avidly forms biofilms, which enhances bacterial resistance to medicine's current armament of antimicrobial agents and highlights the need for innovative approaches to combatting this growing threat.
"Nitric oxide (NO) is a diatomic, lipophilic gaseous molecule produced by numerous cells that is involved in cellular signaling, vascular modulation and homeostasis, immune function, pro- and anti-inflammatory properties, and importantly, has bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties. The researchers demonstrate that a well studied nitric oxide-releasing nanoparticle platform (NO-np) has the potential to reduce the incidence and/or treat CVC infections."
The investigators examined the formation of staphylococcal biofilms by confocal and scanning electron microscopy and found that treatment of staphylococcal biofilms with NO-np significantly reduced biofilm thickness and bacterial number compared to control biofilms. The study used in vitro models as well as a rat CVC model.
The NO-np technology is currently being commercialized for a broad range of medical applications by Nano BioMed Inc.

Publication: Sustained nitric oxide-releasing nanoparticles interfere with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus adhesion and biofilm formation in a rat central venous catheter model"

Quelle: Nanowerk
Bildquelle: Fotolia