Seit 2005


Neue Studie zeigt: Carbon-Nanotubes bergen Gesundheitsrisiken

Winzige Fasern, die zur Verstärkung von Gegenständen wie Velorahmen oder Hockeyschlägern eingesetzt werden, könnten Risiken bergen für Arbeiter, welche diese herstellen. Universitätsforscher zeigen, dass bestimmte Arten von Carbon-Nanotubes - zylindrische Moleküle, welche ungefähr ein Tausendstel der Breite eine menschlichen Haares ausmachen - Krebs in der Lunge auslösen könnten.

Need for risk assessment

Researchers are looking at assessing the level of risk involved, for instance examining how many of the long fibres are present in the air at workplaces.

The study was published in the American Journal of Pathology.

"The industrial-scale manufacture of carbon nanotubes is increasing, with a global market in excess of £1 billion. This research shows that there is a potential hazard in the manufacture of certain types of carbon nanotubes", says Ken Donaldson, Professor of Respiratory Toxicology.

Similarities with asbestos

The research found that longer carbon nanotubes caused a reaction in the lung lining similar to that of asbestos.

Longer asbestos fibres are more harmful than shorter fibres since they also get stuck in the lung cavity where they can cause diseases including mesothelioma.
Finding safest kind of nanotube

The study demonstrates the need for industry to design safe nanofibres that are long enough to be useful but short enough to avoid causing disease.

It follows previous research in mice looking at the effect of carbon nanotubes on the stomach cavity.

Weitere Informationen: University of Edinburgh

Kurzfassung des Artikels: The American Journal of Pathology Volume 178, Issue 6 , Pages 2587-2600, June 2011

Quelle: Meridian Institute.