Seit 2005


Sinkende Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme am freiwilligen EPA Materials Stewardship Program

Fast sechs Monate nach dem Start der Aktion der U.S. EPA zur Sammlung von Informationen und Daten über kommerziell eingesetzte Nanomaterialien tut sich die Behörde schwer, weitere Unternehmen zur Mitarbeit an dem freiwilligen Programm zu bewegen. Artikel in Englisch.

EPA's Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program (NMSP), which began in January, first asks companies to report information on the engineered nanoscale materials they use, then seeks more in-depth, longer-term information.

So far, EPA has received four submissions for nanoscale materials under the basic program, as well as commitments from 12 more companies. No one has signed up to participate in the in-depth part of the program. EPA has encouraged companies to sign up for the program by July 28. The lack of participation is a concern for policymakers, industry officials and environmentalists.

Quelle: CNS-UCSB Weekly Clips