Seit 2005


"When Enough is Enough" - Nature Nanotechnology 7 (2012)

In the July issue of the journal "Nature Nanotechnology" Steffen Foss Hansen & Anders Braun comment on the current EU policy on nanosilver. The authors claim: Enough is enough - stop reviewing and start regulating.

Abstract of the Article

In December 2011 the European Commission asked its Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to provide a scientific opinion on nanosilver. Specifically, this committee, which consists of independent scientists appointed by the Commission, is being asked to answer four questions under the general heading of 'Nanosilver: safety, health and environmental effects, and role in antimicrobial resistance'.

However, most of these questions (and possibly all of them) have already been addressed by no less than 18 review articles in scientific journals, the oldest dating back to 2008, plus at least seven more reviews and reports commissioned and/or funded by governments and other organizations. This raises an important question: when will governments and regulatory agencies stop asking for more reports and reviews, and start taking regulatory action?

Source: Nature Nanotechnology

Further information:

Link to the article (Nature Nanotechnology 7 (7): 409-411):