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Open Innovation

25.03.2022 Open Innovation

New method shows: Alpine snow contains plastic

Nanoplastics in the environment: new chemical method developed to count plastic... More

25.03.2022 Open Innovation

From properties to toxicity: Comparing microplastics to other airborne microparticles

Properties such as size, shape, and surface characteristics of microparticles influence their potential hazard to... More

25.03.2022 Open Innovation

Safety and health when working with 3D printers

BG ETEM publishes a new brochure about safety in 3D... More

25.03.2022 Open Innovation

The butterfly principle used

Researchers create colors by 3D printing certain nanostructures they copied from a... More

25.03.2022 Open Innovation

Laser lotus effects

Fast and significantly more versatile than coatings: Fusion Bionic... More

04.02.2022 Open Innovation

Novel materials should be safe and sustainable

In a joint recommendation, three German higher federal authorities paint draw a picture of how the development of safe and sustainable novel advanced materials can... More

24.09.2021 Open Innovation

Are the nanoparticles in Covid vaccines capable of harming us?

Again and again, the argument comes up that the currently used Covid vaccines contain nanoparticles. This is true, but is it... More

02.06.2021 Nanotechnology

Fight tiny with tiny

Microorganisms are constantly evolving, as we know all too well today from SARS-CoV-2. Every mutation has the potential to bring new dangers to humans. This... More