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Open Innovation

09.10.2012 Open Innovation

„Open Innovation Monitor 2012“ – Study Unveils Backlog of the Innovation Management of Organizations

The "Open-Innovation-Monitor 2012" is a regular survey among more than 200 German-speaking executives about the use of the Open Innovation methodology and the tools within... More

23.07.2012 Open Innovation

Nobel Prize Laureate Becomes Ambassador of „SimplyNano 1“

Since summer 2012 Nobel prize laureate and physicist Heinrich Rohrer is the ambassador for the nano experiment kit "SimplyNano 1". The kit addresses students from... More

10.11.2011 Open Innovation

Black Swans: LEADER SPECIAL Article

Crisis and catastrophes hit us especially hard if triggering risks are misjudged or overseen. Such events are often called black swans. These "unknown unknowns" strike... More

14.10.2011 Nanotechnology

Response to Nano-Interpellation in the German Bundestag

The German Government has responded to a minor interpellation from September 2011. 18 of 55 questions issued the topic "nanotechnology". The interpellation "Activities and positions... More

01.09.2011 Open Innovation

SRU Special Report: "Foresight Strategies Nanomaterials"

Nanotechnologies are one of the biggest technological innovations nowadays, nourishing ample chances and hopes. However, the questions appears to which degree the manufacturing and application... More

15.08.2011 Nanotechnology

Black Swans - ALPHA article

Crisis and catastrophes hit us especially hard if triggering risks are misjudged or overseen. Such events are often called black swans. These "unknown unknowns" strike... More

14.07.2011 Open Innovation

Nanotextiles and facade coatings - potential risks

Scientists in the NANOHOUSE project have developed risk assessment criteria for engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) used in facade coating and nanotextiles. Findings reveal that product design... More

06.06.2011 Nanotechnology

NanoCode Project Newsletter No 1

The first NanoCode Newsletter is now available to users of the NanoCode website. The newsletter is the first of three newsletters scheduled throughout the project.... More