Researchers develop oral insulin nanoparticles that could be an alternative to jabs
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed insulin nanoparticles that may one day become the basis for an oral medicine, and an... More
What do EU citizens think about nanomaterials?
Citizens call for better labeling of everyday products and greater awareness of risks and... More
How nanotechnology helps Covid-19 vaccines based on mRNA work
The first Covid 19 vaccines are based on messenger-RNA technology. While these are now already being administered, let's remember the vehicles that get them to... More
Reducing pesticide use with nanoparticles
Researchers at the Adolphe Merkle Institute and the Department of Biology at the University of Fribourg have discovered how certain silica nanoparticles could act as... More
How does nanotechnology address problems in the environment?
Environmental protection is one of the critical challenges faced by the human race. Over the years, we have unintentionally devastated our surroundings by creating and... More
Clean diaper recycling
With an enzymatic recycling process from diaper waste, important basic components for the chemical industry, bioethanol or new polymers can be... More
Important publications on nanotechnology and emerging technologies
The US FDA and the German BAuA have published two important reports and the European Commission has launched an online platform on novel... More
3D laser printing in color for the first time
"Seasoned" with a pinch of nanosilver, home 3D printers can also print in... More