Seit 2005


14.07.2017 Nanotechnology


Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem, especially among a type of bacteria that are classified as “Gram-negative.” These bacteria have two cell membranes, making it... More

30.06.2017 Nanotechnology

Nano silica in foodstuffs could cause gastrointenstinal inflammation - Reduction required

The anti-caking agent silica E551 has been used for many years in the food industry as well as in toothpaste. Hanspeter Nägeli (UZH) and his... More

07.06.2017 Nanotechnology

Printed 3D-structures from cellulose nanocrystals

Empa researchers have succeeded in developing an environment-friendly ink made of cellulose nanocrystals for 3D printing. As a result, microstructures with outstanding mechanical properties can... More

30.05.2017 Nanotechnology

Nano cigarettes are less harmful

The 31st May is World No Tobacco Day, which was launched by the WHO in 1987. Every year 6 million people die from the consequences... More

29.05.2017 Nanotechnology

Gecko-inspired multipurpose gripper

Robots generally need a gripper that adapts to three-dimensional surfaces. Such a gripper needs to be soft to adapt to a great variety of geometries,... More

24.05.2017 Nanotechnology

Ultimate Natural Sunscreen

Chemists, materials scientists and nanoengineers at UC San Diego have created what may be the ultimate natural sunscreen. In a paper published in the American Chemical... More

18.05.2017 Nanotechnology

The complex interplay of nanosilver and wheat roots

Scientists have hypothesized that silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) may act as “Trojan horses” entering living organisms and then releasing silver cations (Ag+) over time, causing toxicity.... More

27.04.2017 Nanotechnology

Nanoparticles can travel from lungs to blood, possibly explaining risks to heart

Tiny particles in air pollution have been associated with diseases in heart or blood vessels (called cardiovascular disease), which can lead to premature death. But... More