Seit 2005


18.03.2014 Nanotechnology

Impact assessment of a european nano-register

A recently published study of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) assesses the potential impacts which the introduction of a mandatory European nano-register would entail.... More

12.03.2014 Nanotechnology

Swiss Nano-Cube launches new nanotechnology training module

The Innovation Society has developed a new training module: "Nanotechnology in the Economy and Society". The development of said module was supported by the... More

11.03.2014 Nanotechnology

Zurich warns about unknown risks of nanotechnology

Apart from potential benefits, Zurich identifies several types of potential insurance risks associated with nanotechnology: employers’ liability, product liability, directors’ and officers’ liability and environmental... More

05.03.2014 Nanotechnology

Uptake of silver-nanoparticles can lead to the formation of free radicals

Danish researchers could show that in vitro, silver nanoparticles (AgNP) can be taken up by human intestinal cells and trigger the formation of free radicals... More

03.03.2014 Nanotechnology

Swiss Unions call for an extension of the limitation period for nanomaterials

The Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (SGB) classifies nanomaterials as an emerging risk for employees and employers and calls for an extension of the limitation... More

13.02.2014 Nanotechnology

Belgium to introduce nano-reporting

Belgium will become the second EU member state to adopt a mandatory nano-reporting scheme after France had done so in 2013. Companies will have to... More

12.02.2014 Nanotechnology

Nanomotors are controlled, for the first time, inside living cells

For the first time anywhere, a team of chemists and engineers at Penn State has placed tiny synthetic motors inside live human cells, propelled them... More

11.02.2014 Nanotechnology

Rare earth nanoparticles under scrutiny

Some workers exposed to rare earths suffer chronic lung problems, which made UCLA scientist wonder about the toxicity of rare earth particles. They tested 10... More