Seit 2005


25.11.2013 Nanotechnology

New NanoWOW nanotechnology lesson plans for primary students all over Ireland

Ireland’s new materials science research centre has announced the launch of their new NanoWOW lesson plans. Designed for 5th and 6th class pupils the plans... More

21.11.2013 Nanotechnology

Nanotech's role in feeding the planet

The challenge is clear: globally, we will need to feed two billion extra people by 2050. As politicians, industry and scientists turn their attention to... More

21.11.2013 Nanotechnology

Evaluation of the health effects of carbon nanotubes

The development, production and technological applications of carbon nanotube are rapidly growing, due to the unique characteristics... More

13.11.2013 Nanotechnology

Miniature spectrometers inside mobile phones

How fresh are vegetables and fruits in the supermarket? Just use a mobile phone containing a miniature spectrometer to control the quality of comestibles. To... More

28.10.2013 Nanotechnology

Nano-dwarves turn tumor assassins

Chemotherapy is often preferred for fighting cancer, but its side effects can be considerable. A new technique may reduce these in future: nanoparticle-encapsulated substances could... More

23.10.2013 Nanotechnology

A nanoparticle solution for the lindane problem

For many years two companies located in Bizkaia, Bilbao Chemicals (Barakaldo 1947-1987) and Nexana (Erandio 1952-1982), had been manufacturing lindane and dumping it into the... More

22.10.2013 Nanotechnology

Volvo develops lightweight energy storage components for EVs

Volvo Car Group has developed lightweight energy storage components that could improve the energy usage of future electric vehicles (EVs). The material consists of carbon... More

10.10.2013 Nanotechnology

Carbon's new champion

Rice University theorists calculate atom-thick carbyne chains may be strongest material ever - if and when anyone can make it in... More