Seit 2005


18.07.2012 Nanotechnology

NanoSafety - Risk Governance of Manufactured Nanoparticles, Final Report

The European Parliament´s Sciene and Technology Options Assessment unit (STOA) has recently published the final report of the ´NanoSafety - Risk Governance of Manufactured Nanoparticles´... More

05.07.2012 Nanotechnology

BAuA Report published - Focus: Safe Use of Nanomaterials

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has recently published its annual report 2011. The report presents the work of BAuA on 130... More

04.07.2012 Nanotechnology

EU-OSHA Publishes Literature Review on Nanomaterial Risks

There are serious gaps in our awareness of the potential risks involved in handling nanomaterials at work, and serious shortcomings in the way that those... More

11.06.2012 Nanotechnology

French Example of Mandatory Nano-Reporting could be applied in other countries

A currently published article in the journal "PHi" edited by the re-insurane company GenRe issues nanotechnology regulation in France. A Decree enacted by the French... More

21.05.2012 Nanotechnology

6th International Authorities Dialogue: "Governance of Nanomaterials" in Zurich

The 6th International Nano Authorities Dialogue with Government officials from Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland took place on 8 /9 May in Zurich. The Swiss... More

24.04.2012 Nanotechnology

FDA Issues Guidances on Assessments of Nano Risks

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week issued two draft guidance documents on the assessment of the effects of nanotechnology on food... More

22.03.2012 Nanotechnology

"Nano Goes to Swiss Schools" (St.Galler Tagblatt)

Just until now there was no educational device available for teaching nanotechnology at secondary school level. The Innovation Society, St.Gallen and the "SimplyScience" foundation have... More

13.03.2012 Nanotechnology

Plastic nanoparticles affect behavior and fat metabolism in fish

Nanoparticles have many useful applications, but also raise some potential health and ecological concerns. Now, new research shows that plastic nanoparticles are transported through the... More