Seit 2005


21.10.2011 Nanotechnology

NNI Environmental, Health, And Safety Research Strategy 2011 released

NNI participating agencies produced their first NNI strategy for nanotechnology-related EHS research in 2008, and today provide a revised and updated 2011 NNI EHS Research... More

19.10.2011 Nanotechnology

European Commission Adopts "Nanomaterial" Definition

"Nanomaterials" are materials whose main constituents have a dimension of between 1 and 100 billionth of a metre, according to a Recommendation on the definition... More

17.10.2011 Nanotechnology

Literature Review on Nanomaterials Health-Effects

NICNAS, the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme of the Australian Government regulator of industrial chemicals, commissioned a review and analysis available literature on... More

14.10.2011 Nanotechnology

Response to Nano-Interpellation in the German Bundestag

The German Government has responded to a minor interpellation from September 2011. 18 of 55 questions issued the topic "nanotechnology". The interpellation "Activities and positions... More

13.10.2011 Nanotechnology

Safety Assessment of Nano in Cosmetics

The European Commission (EC) has asked the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) to prepare a guidance document on the safety assessment of nanomaterials in... More

10.10.2011 Nanotechnology

Consumer Aspects in the Use of Nanotechnology

The German Bundestag's Committee for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection held a public hearing on "Consumer aspect in the use of nanotechnology" on 24th October... More

19.09.2011 Nanotechnology

Significance of in-vitro Methods in the Assessment of Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of Nanomaterials

The literature assessment analyses the significance of in-vitro genotoxicity assays in relation to the carcinogenicity of respirable, fibrous and granular dusts in epidemiology and long-term... More

19.09.2011 Nanotechnology

Friends of the Earth: Nano-Silver - Policy Failure Puts Public Health at Risk

A new report released by Friends of the Earth (FoE) reveals experts believe that widespread use of nano-silver could breed superbugs, leading to more Australian... More