Seit 2005


31.01.2011 Nanotechnology

Field Study Into effect of Antibacterial Clothing on Skin Flora and Microclimate

Most of the antimicrobial garments on the market at present contain silver. Hohenstein researchers carried out a field study into the effect of antibacterial clothing... More

28.01.2011 Nanotechnology

Nanosilver - Old Wine in New Tubes

Nanosilver is not a new invention of nanotechnology but has been in use for more than 100 years. A new Empa study shows that in... More

14.01.2011 Nanotechnology

Action Plan for the Smallest - Action Plan Nanotechnology 2015

Eight Federal Ministries under the lead of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research focus their research promotion under the "Action Plan Nanotechnology 2015".... More

13.01.2011 Nanotechnology

Insurances Underestimate Nano Risks

The reinsurance company Gen Re recently published an analysis and evaluation of the potential implications for the insurance of nanomaterials. The study concludes that the... More

03.01.2011 Nanotechnology

Consumers Want to Know Which Products Contain Nanomaterials - Swiss Dialogue Platform on Consumer Information

Consumers want to be well informed about whether and which nanomaterials are contained in consumer products. This conclusion has been drawn from round table discussions... More

22.12.2010 Nanotechnology

Switzerland publishes Guideline for Security Data Sheets for Synthetic Nanomaterials

Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO has developed the first guideline for security data sheets for chemicals, that consist of or contain nanomaterials. It... More

20.12.2010 Nanotechnology

U.S. Company Fined for Untested Nanosilver Health Claims

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has fined Kinetic Solutions Inc. $82,400 for allegedly selling unregistered and misbranded pesticides and making unproven claims about their effectiveness.... More

03.12.2010 Nanotechnology

Nano Risk Management: Insurance Industry Position Paper

Nanotechnology presents the insurance and risk management industries with significant challenges and opportunities. Central to these are the relatively unknown environmental, health and safety exposures... More