Seit 2005


02.12.2010 Nanotechnology

Swiss Nano-Cube: New Knowledge and Education Platform for Nanotechnologies Launched and Online

Swiss Nano-Cube is the new interactive knowledge and education platform for micro and nanotechnologies in Switzerland. Its mission among students and young professionals is... More

17.11.2010 Open Innovation

Nanotechnology, Climate and Energy: Over-Heated Promises?

Friends of the Earth has released a new report debunking industry promises that nanotechnology offers solutions to the most pressing environmental problems, including climate change.... More

10.11.2010 Nanotechnology

Voluntary Initiatives, Regulation, and Nanotechnology Oversight - New PEN Report

A new report from the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars explores a variety of voluntary options available... More

28.10.2010 Nanotechnology

Nanomedicine Boosters Cautioned on Unknowns

The American Society of Nanomedicine wrapped up its second annual conference earlier this month with a presentation by two toxicology experts. The string of presentations... More

27.10.2010 Nanotechnology

European Consumer Organisations Find Consumer Nanoproducts Tripled in 2010

“Nano whitening”, “using the newest nanotechnological ingredients”, “uses the nano silver technology which protects the baby’s skin”... Products claiming to contain nanomaterials are already widely... More

20.10.2010 Nanotechnology

EU FP7 Project ENRHES Provides Comprehensive EHS Review of Nanoparticles

A comprehensive review of the health and environmental safety of many different engineered nanomaterials has been published by a consortium led by Edinburgh Napier University... More

16.10.2010 Nanotechnology

Insurability of Nanotechnology Still Open - Encompassing Risk Monitoring Necessary Instead of Blind Flight is necessary.

Undisputedly, the insurance business has never underestimated a hazard as much as in the case of asbestos. The handling of nanomaterials is therefore not to... More

27.09.2010 Nanotechnology

Update on Current Activities on the Safety of Nanomaterials - OECD Tour de Table Report

A new document from the OECD Document Series "Current Developments/Activities on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials" provides information on current and planned activities related to... More