Seit 2005


17.02.2009 Nanotechnology

Nanotoxicology: Big and small nanoparticles affect most genes similarly

The smallest nano-sized silica particles used in biomedicine and engineering likely won't cause unexpected biological responses due to their size, according to work presented during... More

10.02.2009 Nanotechnology

FramingNano Delphi Questionnaire Online

FramingNano is an FP7-funded international mutli-stakeholder dialogue platform to regulate the development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies (NS&T). A two-part Delphi study is a key element... More

05.02.2009 Nanotechnology

UK to investigate nanotechnology and food

A new subcommittee on nanotechnologies and food has been set up by the House of Lords Science & Technology Committee in the UK to investigate... More

28.01.2009 Nanotechnology

TA-SWISS Study Calls for Increased Legislation of Nano in Food

Switzerland's Centre for Technology Assessment, TA-SWISS, has published a report providing an overview of nanomaterials in use within the food sector. The study assesses these... More

28.01.2009 Nanotechnology

New Mandatory Reporting Schemes Underway

An increasing number of government agencies intend to introduce some sort of mandatory reporting schemes on the use of nanomaterials. After the voluntary reporting schemes... More

10.01.2009 Nanotechnology

NANOMMUNE - Project to Study Effects of Engineered Nanomaterials on the Immune System Underway

Researchers from Sweden, Finland, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States have been awarded €3.358.500 from the European Commission to study the hazardous effects... More

07.01.2009 Nanotechnology

BfR Takes a Stance on Nanomaterials in Food

According to investigations of BfR, the current situation regarding safety data to assess the application of nanotechnology in foods and food contact consumer goods is... More

24.12.2008 Nanotechnology

FoE Australia Launches New Nano-Free Sunscreen Guide

Friends of the Earth Australia, which have already positioned itself previously regarding the question of using nanoparticles in sunscreens, has released a report listing "safe"... More