Seit 2005


28.07.2008 Nanotechnology

Small, smaller, nano... - Nanotechnology in Schools and in Practice

Nanotechnology will gain importance in the near future. This course for advanced training gives an overview of nanotechnology fundamentals (technology, economy, society) and at the... More

22.07.2008 Nanotechnology

Companies slow to volunteer for EPA data-gathering effort

Almost six months after the launch of a U.S. EPA effort to gather information about commercially used nanomaterials, the agency is struggling to convince companies... More

15.07.2008 Nanotechnology

Research on the carcinogenicity of nanoparticles and other dusts

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Germany (BAuA) has published a report detailing work carried out to examine the carcinogenicity of granular... More

09.07.2008 Nanotechnology

New Findings on Nanoparticle Uptake by Plants

Increasing application of nanotechnology highlights the need to clarify nanotoxicity. However, few researches have focused on phytotoxicity of nanomaterials; it is unknown whether plants can... More

04.07.2008 Nanotechnology

Nano-Food and Nano-Packaging - Consumer boycott without communication: Interview with Innovation Society's CEO in LT journal

Nanotechnology in packaging and food - what exactly does this mean? According to nano expert, university lecturer and CEO of the Innovation Society Dr. Christoph... More

27.06.2008 Nanotechnology

Reducing NanoRisks and Increasing NanoRevenues

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars' Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) recently published a short pamphlet intended to steer "nano firms" down the path... More

27.06.2008 Nanotechnology

ETUC wants precautionary principle applied to nanotechnologies

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) adopted a first resolution on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials at its recent Executive Committee meeting. The key demand: the precautionary... More

25.06.2008 Nanotechnology

Use of Nanomaterials in Food Packaging Poses Regulatory Challenges

Engineered nanoscale materials (ENMs), which contain novel properties that offer potential benefits for use in food packaging, raise new safety evaluation challenges for regulators and... More