Seit 2005


03.10.2019 Nanotechnology

From greenhouse gas to (super-)nanomaterial

Carbon dioxide is commonly known as a greenhouse gas and its effect on climate change. Less known is the fact that this gas can also... More

03.10.2019 Nanotechnology

Complex molecules on surfaces – best master’s thesis in nanoscience

At the Swiss Nanoscience Institute’s first graduation ceremony, Sebastian Scherb was honored for his work on a novel method to attach complex single molecules on... More

03.10.2019 Nanotechnology

Study finds EU regulatory framework ready for the next generation of nanomaterials

A study commissioned by the EU nanomaterials observatory has found that the current EU framework for characterizing and identifying “next generation” nanomaterials is able to... More

21.11.2018 Nanotechnology

Graphene encounters bump in the road

A study in Advanced Materials applied a newly developed protocol to test the quality of graphene. It was put to use to test worldwide graphene... More

21.11.2018 Nanotechnology

Looking deep into the eyes

The quest to use nanorobots in our bodies as tools has reached a milestone. Scientists have developed nanopropellers and were able to direct them through... More

21.11.2018 Nanotechnology

Nanotubes may give the world better batteries

Rice University scientists are counting on films of carbon nanotubes to make high-powered, fast-charging lithium metal batteries a logical replacement for common lithium-ion... More

21.11.2018 Nanotechnology

Bionics: steel-strength from spider webs as inspiration for materials

The mystery of black widow spiders' steel-strength silk webs could lead to equally strong synthetic... More

18.10.2018 Nanotechnology

Ford to use graphene-reinforced parts in cars

Though hard to manufacture, graphene’s wondrous properties will finally be exploited in the automotive industry on a commercial scale by... More