Seit 2005


EU launches the one billion euro Graphene Flagship

After years of preparations it is time for Europe to launch The Graphene Flagship – a 10-year, 1,000 million euro research and innovation initiative on graphene and related layered materials.

Graphene – a single layer of carbon atoms – may be the most amazing and versatile substance available to mankind. Being the world's strongest material, harder than diamond, yet lightweight and flexible, graphene enables electrons to flow much faster than silicon. It is also a transparent conductor, combining electrical and optical functionalities in an exceptional way. This unique combination of superior properties makes it a credible starting point for new disruptive technologies in a wide range of fields.

On October 10-11, graphene researchers from all over Europe – from 74 research partners in 17 countries – gathered in Gothenburg, Sweden, for kick-off. Their mission is to take the supermaterial graphene and related ultra-thin layered materials from academic laboratories to society, revolutionize multiple industries and create economic growth and new jobs in Europe.

Being a FET (Future & Emerging Technologies) Flagship by the European Commission, The Graphene Flagship is one of Europe's two most ambitious science projects ever.


Sources: Nanowerk, Chalmers University of Technology

Further information can be obtained here (The Graphene Flagship platform, external link) and here (Graphene Centre at Chalmers, external link).