Seit 2005


Nano-Food and Nano-Packaging - Consumer boycott without communication: Interview with Innovation Society's CEO in LT journal

Nanotechnology in packaging and food - what exactly does this mean? According to nano expert, university lecturer and CEO of the Innovation Society Dr. Christoph Meili the food industry needs to communicate this topic more openly. Otherwise he worries that a "debacle like in the case of gene technology" could take place.

Nanotechnology will certainly be a central topic in nano packaging of the future. If you look at  packaging purely as a marketing tool, many things are thinkable: from anti-fingerprint-coatings through to smell-active packaging. But nanotechnology is also an important topic when it comes to aspects of product protection and durability. For retailers and manufacturers, increasing the shelf life of products is of great importance. In the future, there will for instance be active systems with antimicrobial properties. Needless to say that exactly in this area the potentials are enormous.
“Nanotechnological” packaging also raise the question of health risks. It is of central importance to differentiate between "Nano inside" and "Nano outside". Consumers are mainly critical about "Nano Inside", meaning that nanotechnology directly comes into the stomach of the consumer via food products.“Nano ouside” – including most packaging – however is less problematic, because the nanoparticles are not eaten in this case.
The Innovation Society together with the Swiss Retailers’ Association (IG DHS) has developed a Code of Conduct for nanotechnology. Since there is a lack of nano-specific laws voluntary measures are important. It has been the case in the past already that manufacturers are accountable in their own  responsibility for the products they bring to the market. Switzerland has a somewhat special position in this area, that is not so deeply rooted in the laws of other countries. And today we stand to benefit from this situation, also with the Code of Conduct of the IG DHS.

The entire article "Nano-Food and Nano-Packaging - Consumer boycott ahead" (translation of original German article) can be downloaded via the following link: Article "Lebensmittel-Technologie"